Elo Algorithm Soccer Standings

The Elo ranking takes its name from its inventor, the American professor Arpad Emrick Elo. Professor. Elo besides teaching physics he was also a high-level chess player. At the request of the international chess federation, he tried to find a way to estimate the performance of chess players, and invented the Elo system, still in force. To estimate the value of the teams in a football league, we use the World Football Elo ranking, which is a derivation of the original optimized for football teams. Here are the main rules of this system:
The score of a team at the start of his league is set at 1500 points.
The score changes with every game, going up or down depending on the result.

The variation depends on the following parameters:
The strength of the team faced (his standing position);
The game played at home or away;
The goal difference of the match

We consider not only the result of the match, but also the real chances of winning of the team. If a weak team draws away with a strong one, it will earn many points; if a strong team wins at home with a weak one, it will earn a few points, and so on. The Elo classification is therefore excellent to estimate the shape of a team in the short term because due to a positive cycle of results its points will increase very quickly.